Safe Functions

When you don't want to stop the execution of your template when an error occurs, you can use the function-safe feature.

The Safe Functions feature in Sprout allows for more resilient template rendering by ensuring that errors in function execution do not halt the rendering process. Instead, these functions return a default value when an error occurs. This feature is disabled by default but can be enabled as needed.

How It Works

When Safe Functions are enabled, for every function in your template, a corresponding "safe" version is automatically created.

For example, if you have a function called toInt, enabling Safe Functions will also create safeToInt.

The "safe" version of the function will catch any errors that occur during execution and return a default value instead of stopping the rendering process.


To enable Safe Functions, you need to configure your handler using the WithSafeFuncs option when creating the handler:

handler := sprout.New(sprout.WithSafeFuncs(true))

You activate Safe Functions by setting the enabled parameter to true when you create your handler.

Usage in Templates

Once Safe Functions are enabled, you can use them in your templates by simply prefixing the original function name with safe. For instance:

  • Instead of using toInt, you would use safeToInt.

  • If the function safeToInt encounters an error, it will return a default value rather than causing the template rendering to fail.

  • You can continue to use toInt with the default error mechanism.

Important Considerations

  • Disclaimer: Enabling Safe Functions will effectively double the number of functions available in your template, as each original function will now have a corresponding safe version.

  • Performance: While Safe Functions improve the robustness of template rendering, they may introduce some overhead due to the additional error handling. Use them judiciously based on your needs.

Last updated