🚀Roadmap to Sprout v1.0

The roadmap to grow the sprout

Key Objectives

All objectives are get from feedback, suggestions and personal knowledge. You can discuss about the v1.0 directly in the issue on GitHub.

Reduce the number of external dependencies to mitigate frequent update cycles, making Sprout more stable and lightweight.

Provide comprehensive, easy-to-understand documentation that covers all functionalities, use cases, and examples to improve the developer experience.

Establish clear, consistent naming conventions for functions to enhance code readability and maintainability. Unlike Sprig, where function naming varies between camelCase, and snake_case, and similar functions lack consistent prefixing, Sprout will introduce a standardised approach to function naming. This will make the library more intuitive and reduce the learning curve for new users.

Aim to minimise memory allocations as much as possible to alleviate the burden on the garbage collector in large-scale applications. By optimising the way memory is used within the framework, we ensure that Sprout is not only efficient in its functionality but also in its resource consumption. This approach contributes to overall better performance and scalability of applications using Sprout.

Introduce built-in error handling mechanisms for all functions to ensure that errors are managed gracefully and efficiently.

Implement a custom error handling framework utilising channels for improved error reporting and handling on the Go side, reducing the risk of template crashes.

Add a broader array of functions without imposing limitations, enabling users to accomplish more tasks directly within the framework.

Allow users to customise which functions to load into their runtime environment, preventing unnecessary resource consumption and enhancing performance.

Enable the creation of aliases for functions outside of the library, providing flexibility and convenience in how functions are accessed and utilised.

Documentation can be found here: Function Aliases

Compatibility between spring and sprout

A compatibility table between sprig v3.2.3 and sprout v1.0

This page will be updated each time function are re-implemented correctly in Sprout v1

Functions added to Sprout v1

A list of functions wanted for v1 based on issues, pull requests from sprig, feedback on sprout. All functions listed here will be implemented for the v1.

Last updated