
The Random registry provides functions to generate random numbers, strings, and other data types, useful for scenarios requiring randomness or unique identifiers.

You can easily import all the functions from the random registry by including the following import statement in your code

import "github.com/go-sprout/sprout/registry/random"


The function generates a random alphanumeric string with the specified length, combining both letters and numbers to create a unique sequence.

{{ randAlphaNumeric 10 }} // Output: "OnmS3BPwBl" (output will vary)


The function generates a random string consisting of only alphabetic characters (letters) with the specified length.

{{ 10 | randAlpha }} // Output: "rBxkROwxav" (output will vary)


The function generates a random ASCII string of the specified length, using characters within the ASCII range 32 to 126.

{{ randAscii 10 }} // Output: "}]~>_<:^%" (output will vary)


The function generates a random numeric string consisting only of digits, with the specified length.

{{ randNumeric 10 }} // Output: "3269896295" (output will vary)


The function generates a random byte array of the specified length and returns it as a Base64 encoded string.

{{ randBytes 16 }} // Output: "c3RhY2thYnVzZSByb2NrcyE=" (output will vary)


The function generates a random integer between the specified minimum and maximum values (inclusive). It takes two parameters: min for the minimum value and max for the maximum value. The function then returns a random integer within this range.

{{ randInt 1 10 }} // Output: 5

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