
The Conversion registry includes a collection of functions designed to convert one data type to another directly within your templates. This allows for seamless type transformations.

You can easily import all the functions from the conversion registry by including the following import statement in your code

import ""


toBool converts a value from any types reasonably be converted to a boolean. Using the cast package.


ToBool(v any) (bool, error)
{{ "true" | toBool }} // Output: true
{{ "t" | toBool }} // Output: true
{{ 1 | toBool }} // Output: true
{{ 0.0 | toBool }} // Output: false
{{ "invalid" | toBool }} // Error


toInt converts a value into a int. Using the cast package.


ToInt(v any) (int, error)
{{ "1" | toInt }} // Output: 1
{{ 1.1 | toInt }} // Output: 1
{{ true | toInt }} // Output: 1
{{ "invalid" | toInt }} // Error


toInt64 converts a value into a int64. Using the cast package.


ToInt64(v any) (int64, error)
{{ "1" | toInt }} // Output: 1
{{ 1.1 | toInt }} // Output: 1
{{ true | toInt }} // Output: 1
{{ "invalid" | toInt }} // Error


toUint converts a value into a uint. Utilizes the cast package for conversion.


ToUint(v any) (uint, error)
{{ "1" | toUint }} // Output: 1
{{ 1.1 | toUint }} // Output: 1
{{ true | toUint }} // Output: 1
{{ "invalid" | toUint }} // Error


toUint64 converts a value into a uint64. Utilizes the cast package for conversion.


ToUint64(v any) (uint64, error)
{{ "1" | toUint64 }} // Output: 1
{{ 1.1 | toUint64 }} // Output: 1
{{ true | toUint64 }} // Output: 1
{{ "invalid" | toUint64 }} // Error


toFloat64 converts a value into a float64. Utilizes the cast package for conversion.


ToFloat64(v any) (float64, error)
{{ "1" | toFloat64 }} // Output: 1
{{ 1.42 | toFloat64 }} // Output: 1.42
{{ true | toFloat64 }} // Output: 1
{{ "invalid" | toFloat64 }} // Error


toOctal parses a value as an octal (base 8) integer.


ToOctal(v any) (int64, error)
{{ 777 | toOctal }} // Output: "511"
{{ "770" | toOctal }} // Output: "504"
{{ true | toOctal }} // Output: "1"
{{ "invalid" | toOctal }} // Error


toString converts a value to a string, handling various types effectively.


ToString(v any) string
{{ 1 | toString }} // Output: "1"
{{ 1.42 | toString }} // Output: "1.42"
{{ true | toString }} // Output: "true"
{{ nil | toString }} // Output: "<nil>"

Note: toString can handle various types as:

  • error and output err.Error()

  • fmt.Stringer and output o.String()


toDate converts a string to a time.Time object based on a format specification.


ToDate(layout string, value string) (time.Time, error)
{{ toDate "2006-01-02", "2024-05-10 11:12:42" }}
// Output: 2024-05-10 00:00:00 +0000 UTC, nil

This example will takes the "2024-05-10 11:12:42" string and convert it with the layout "2006-01-02".

See more about Golang Layout on the official documentation.


toLocalDate converts a string to a time.Time object based on a format specification and the local timezone.


ToLocalDate(fmt, timezone, str string) (time.Time, error)
{{ "2024-09-17 11:12:42" | toLocalDate "2006-01-02" "Europe/Paris" }}
// Output: 2024-09-17 00:00:00 +0200 CEST, nil
{{ "2024-09-17 11:12:42" | toLocalDate "2006-01-02" "MST" }}
// Output: 2024-09-17 00:00:00 -0700 MST, nil
{{ "2024-09-17 11:12:42" | toLocalDate "2006-01-02" "invalid" }}
// Error

See more about Golang Layout on the official documentation.


toDuration converts a value to a time.Duration. Taking a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each optional fraction and a unit suffix, such 300ms, -1.5h or 2h45m.

Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m and h.


ToDuration(v any) (time.Duration, error)
{{ 1 | toDuration }} // Output: 1ns
{{ (1000.0 * 1000.0) | toDuration }} // Output: 1ms
{{ "1m" | toDuration }} // Output: 1m
{{ "invalid" | toDuration }} // Error
{{ (toDuration "1h30m").Seconds }} // Output: 5400

Deprecated functions

atoi ⚠️

[DEPRECATED] Use toIntinstead.

{{ "42" | atoi }} // Output: 42

No error handling

int ⚠️

[DEPRECATED] Use toIntinstead.

`{{ "42" | int }} // Output: 42

int64 ⚠️

[DEPRECATED] Use toInt64instead.

{{ "42" | int64 }} // Output: 42

float64 ⚠️

[DEPRECATED] Use toFloat64instead.

`{{ "42.42" | float64 }} // Output: 42.42

Last updated