Migration from Sprig

Coming from Sprig and looking to use Sprout? You're in the right place for a complete guide on making the transition. This guideline will help you navigate the differences.

This page evolves with each version based on modifications and community feedback. Having trouble following this guide?


Sprout is a modern templating engine inspired by Sprig but with enhanced features and a more modular approach. Migrating from Sprig to Sprout involves understanding these differences and adjusting your templates and code accordingly.

Key Differences

1. Registry System

  • Sprig: Functions are globally available.

  • Sprout: Functions are grouped into registries for modularity. Each registry can be added to the handler as needed.

Migration Tip

List the registries needed for your project and register them with the handler. If you're unsure, you can safely register all built-in registries.

2. Handler and Function Management

  • Sprig: Functions are accessed directly.

  • Sprout: Functions are managed by a handler, allowing for better control over function availability, error handling, and logging.

Migration Top

Nothing to do, using the new handler is enough.

3. Error Handling

  • Sprig: Limited and inconsistent error handling, with some functions causing panics (see Panicking Functions), and not fully adhering to Go template standards.

  • Sprout: Offers configurable error handling strategies, including returning default values, or return error to stop template generation (default), providing a more consistent and flexible approach.

Migration Tip

You can learn mote about the safe strategy here: Safe Functions

4. Function Aliases

  • Sprig: Functions are accessed by a single name, deprecated functions are duplicated in code.

  • Sprout: Supports function aliases, allowing multiple names for the same function.

Migration Tip

Use WithAlias or WithAliases to set up function aliases as needed when creating your handler.

5. Following the Go Template Convention

  • Sprig: No error for naming convention are followed.

  • Sprout: Design to adhere closely to Go's native template conventions, ensuring compatibility and a consistent experience for developers familiar with Go templates. This adherence helps reduce surprises and ensures that templates behave as expected according to Go's standard practices.

Migration Tip Takes a look over renamed functions to change it in your template or use aliases.

How to Transition

Step 1: Identify and Organize Functions

Review your existing templates and identify the functions you rely on from Sprig. Determine whether these functions have direct equivalents in Sprout or if they require using the sprigin package for backward compatibility.

Step 2: Refactor Templates

Update your templates to replace Sprig function calls with their Sprout equivalents. If a direct replacement is unavailable, consider using aliases or the sprigin package to maintain functionality.

Step 3: Register Functions and Handlers

Set up your Sprout environment by creating a handler and registering the necessary function registries. This step ensures that your templates have access to the required functions.

Step 4: Test and Validate

Thoroughly test your migrated templates to ensure that all functions behave as expected. Pay particular attention to error handling and any deprecated functions that may require adjustments.

How to Transition for your end-users

You use sprig or sprout for end-users and want to migrate ? A complete guide will be write here soon.

You need more information now, contact maintainers or open a discussion on the repository.

Migrating Common Functions

Many functions in Sprig have direct equivalents in Sprout, but they might be organized differently or require registration in a handler.

Example: Simple Function Migration


{{ upper "hello" }}


{{ toUpper "hello" }}

Example: Using Aliases


{{ upper "hello" }}


handler := sprout.New(
    sprout.WithAlias("toUpper", "upper"),
funcs := handler.Build()

You can continue to use the same function name inside your template

{{ upper "hello" }}

Panicking Functions

In Sprig, errors within certain functions cause a panic. In contrast, Sprout opts for returning nil or an empty value, improving safety and predictability.

Old Behavior (Sprig): Triggers a panic on error

if err != nil {
  panic("deepCopy error: " + err.Error())

New Behavior (Sprout): Returns nil or an empty value on error

if err != nil {
  return nil, err

Methods that previously caused a panic in Sprig :

  • DeepCopy

  • MustDeepCopy

  • ToRawJson

  • Append

  • Prepend

  • Concat

  • Chunk

  • Uniq

  • Compact

  • Slice

  • Without

  • Rest

  • Initial

  • Reverse

  • First

  • Last

  • Has

  • Dig

  • RandAlphaNumeric

  • RandAlpha

  • RandAscii

  • RandNumeric

  • RandBytes

Function-Specific Changes


  • Sprig: Accepts nil input, causing an internal panic.

  • Sprout: Returns nil if input is nil, avoiding panic.

Rand Functions

  • Sprig: Causes an internal panic if the length parameter is zero.

  • Sprout: Returns an empty string if the length is zero, ensuring stability.


  • Sprig: Does not support int32 and *time.Time; returns "0s".

  • Sprout: Supports int32 and *time.Time and returns the correct duration.


  • Sprig: Returns a corrected duration in positive form, even for negative inputs.

  • Sprout: Accurately returns the duration, preserving the sign of the input.

Base32Decode / Base64Decode

  • Sprig: Decoding functions return the error string when the input is not a valid base64 encoded string.

  • Sprout: Decoding functions return an empty string if the input is not a valid base64 encoded string, simplifying error handling.


Consider the example dictionary defined as follows:

dict := map[string]any{
  "a": map[string]any{
    "b": 2,
  • Sprig: Previously, the dig function would return the last map in the access chain.

{{ $dict | dig "a" "b" }} // Output: map[b:2]
  • Sprout: Now, the dig function returns the final object in the chain, regardless of its type (map, array, string, etc.).

{{ $dict | dig "a" "b" }} // Output: 2

ToCamelCase / ToPascalCase

  • Sprig: The toCamelCase return value are in PascalCase. No toPascalCase function is available.

  • Sprout: The toCamelCase function returns camelCase strings, while the toPascalCase function returns PascalCase strings.

Merge / MergeOverwrite

  • Sprig: The merge and mergeOverwrite functions does dereferencing when second value are the default golang value (example: 0 for int).

  • Sprout: The merge and mergeOverwrite functions does not dereference and keep the second value as is (example: 0 for int).

Deprecated Features

Sprout has deprecated certain features for better security and performance. For example, direct cryptographic operations in templates are discouraged.

Migration Tip

Review your template functions and avoid using deprecated features. Move critical operations outside of templates to maintain security.

Perform cryptographic operations (listed in crypto package) outside of templates. the cryptoregisry will be drop in few versions.

All deprecated features are flagged with // ! DEPRECATED in codebase. A complete list will be available here when the v1 of Sprout are released.


Migrating from Sprig to Sprout offers significant benefits, including improved error handling, modular function management, and enhanced compatibility with modern Go practices. While the sprigin package provides a bridge for backward compatibility, fully embracing Sprout’s native capabilities will lead to a more stable and maintainable codebase. For further details on Sprout’s features and API, consult the official Sprout documentation.

Last updated