RegistriesMaps The Maps registry offers tools for creating, manipulating, and interacting with map data structures, facilitating efficient data organization and retrieval.
You can easily import all the functions from the maps
registry by including the following import statement in your code
Copy import ""
The function creates a dictionary (map) from a list of alternating keys and values, pairing each key with its corresponding value.
Copy Dict(values ...any) map[string]any
Template Example
Copy {{ dict "key1" "value1" "key2" "value2" }}
// Output: map[key1:value1 key2:value2]
The function retrieves the value associated with a specified key from a dictionary (map). If the key is found, the corresponding value is returned.
Copy Get(key string, dict map[string]any) (any, error)
Template Example
Copy {{ dict "key" "value" | get "key" }} // Output: "value"
{{ dict "key" "value" | get "invalid" }} // Output: ""
The function adds a new key-value pair to a dictionary or updates the value associated with an existing key.
Copy Set(key string, value any, dict map[string]any) (map[string]any, error)
Template Example
Copy {{ dict "key" "oldValue" | set "key" "newValue" }} // Output: map[key:newValue]
{{ dict "foo" "bar" | set "far" "boo" }} // Output: map[far:boo foo:bar]
The function removes a specified key-value pair from a dictionary, returning the modified dictionary without the specified key. If the key is not found, the original dictionary is returned unchanged.
Copy Unset(key string, dict map[string]any) map[string]any
Template Example
Copy {{ dict "key" "value" | unset "key" }} // Output: map[]
{{ dict "key" "value" | unset "invalid" }} // Output: map[key:value]
The function retrieves all keys from one or more dictionaries, returning them as a list.
Copy Keys(dicts[string]any) []string
Template Example
Copy {{- $d := dict "key1" "value1" "key2" "value2" -}}
{{ keys $d | sortAlpha }} // Output: [key1 key2]
{{- $d1 := dict "key1" "value1" -}}
{{- $d2 := dict "key2" "value2" -}}
{{ keys $d1 $d2 | sortAlpha }} // Output: [key1 key2]
The function retrieves all values from one or more dictionaries, returning them as a list.
Copy Values(dicts[string]any) []any
Template Example
Copy {{- $d := dict "key1" "value1" "key2" "value2" -}}
{{ values $d | sortAlpha }} // Output: [value1 value2]
The function extracts values associated with a specified key from a list of dictionaries, returning a list of those values.
Copy Pluck(key string, dicts[string]any) []any
Template Example
Copy {{- $d1 := dict "key" "value1" -}}
{{- $d2 := dict "key" "value2" -}}
{{ pluck "key" $d1 $d2 }} // Output: [value1 value2]
The function creates a new dictionary that includes only the specified keys from the original dictionary, effectively filtering out all other keys and their associated values.
Copy Pick(keys ...string, dict map[string]any) (map[string]any, error)
Template Example
Copy {{- $d := dict "key1" "value1" "key2" "value2" "key3" "value3" -}}
{{ $d | pick "key1" "key3" }} // Output: map[key1:value1 key3:value3]
The function creates a new dictionary by excluding the specified keys from the original dictionary, effectively removing those key-value pairs from the resulting dictionary.
Copy Omit(keys ...string, dict map[string]any) (map[string]any, error)
Template Example
Copy {{- $d := dict "key1" "value1" "key2" "value2" "key3" "value3" -}}
{{ $d | omit "key1" "key3" }} // Output: map[key2:value2]
The function navigates through a nested dictionary structure using a sequence of keys and returns the value found at the specified path, allowing access to deeply nested data. The last argument must be the map.
Copy Dig(args ...any) (any, error)
Template Example
Copy {{- $d := dict "key1" "value1" "nested" (dict "foo" "bar") -}}
{{ $d | dig "nested" "foo" }} // Output: "bar"
{{- $d := dict "key1" "value1" "nested" (dict "foo" "bar") -}}
{{ $d | dig "" }} // Output: "bar"
The function checks whether a specified key exists in the dictionary, returning true
if the key is found and false
Copy HasKey(key string, dict map[string]any) (bool, error)
Template Example
Copy {{- $d := dict "key1" "value1" -}}
{{ $d | hasKey "key1" }} // Output: true
{{- $d := dict "key1" "value1" -}}
{{ $d | hasKey "key2" }} // Output: false
The function combines multiple source maps into a single destination map, adding new key-value pairs without overwriting any existing keys in the destination map.
Copy Merge(dest map[string]any, srcs[string]any) (any, error)
Template Example
Copy {{- $d1 := dict "a" 1 "b" 2 -}}
{{- $d2 := dict "b" 3 "c" 4 -}}
{{ merge $d1 $d2 }} // Output: map[a:1 b:2 c:4]
The function combines multiple source maps into a destination map, overwriting existing keys with values from the source maps.
Copy MergeOverwrite(dest map[string]any, srcs[string]any) (any, error)
Template Example
Copy {{- $d1 := dict "a" 1 "b" 2 -}}
{{- $d2 := dict "b" 3 "c" 4 -}}
{{ mergeOverwrite $d1 $d2 }} // Output: map[a:1 b:3 c:4]
Last updated 2 months ago