
The Reflect registry offers tools for inspecting and manipulating data types using reflection, enabling advanced dynamic type handling within your projects.

You can easily import all the functions from the reflect registry by including the following import statement in your code

import ""


The function compares the type of a given value (src) to a specified target type string (target). It returns true if the type of src matches the target type.

{{ 42 | typeIs "int" }} // Output: true


The function compares the type of a given value (src) to a target type string (target), with an option for a wildcard * prefix (pointer). It returns true if src matches target or *target, which is useful for checking if a variable is of a specific type or a pointer to that type.

{{ 42 | typeIsLike "*int" }} // Output: true


The function returns the type of the provided value (src) as a string, giving you a textual representation of its data type.

{{ 42 | typeOf }} // Output: "int"


The function compares the kind (category) of a given value (src) to a target kind string (target). It returns true if the kind of src matches the specified target kind.

{{ 42 | kindIs "int" }} // Output: true
{{ nil | kindIs "int" }} // Error


The function returns the kind (category) of the provided value (src) as a string, giving a general classification like "int," "struct," or "slice."

{{ 42 | kindOf }} // Output: "int"
{{ nil | kindOf }} // Error


The function checks the presence of a field with the specified name (name) in the provided struct (src). It returns true if the field exists.

{{ hasField "someExistingField" .someStruct }} // Output: true
{{ hasField "someNonExistingField" .someStruct }} // Output: false
{{ .someStruct | hasField "someExistingField" }} // Output: true
{{ .someStruct | hasField "someNonExistingField" }} // Output: false


The function checks if two variables, x and y, are deeply equal by comparing their values and structures using reflect.DeepEqual.

{{ {"a":1}, {"a":1} | deepEqual }} // Output: true


The function performs a deep copy of the provided element, creating an exact duplicate of its structure and data. It uses MustDeepCopy internally to manage the copy process and handle any potential errors. This use the copystructure package internally.

{{ {"name":"John"} | deepCopy }} // Output: {"name":"John"}
{{ nil | deepCopy }} // Output: nil, error

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